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“Diablo 4 Launches with Sweet Perks: Lilith-Inspired Chocolate and In-Game Items”

What’s Up in PC Gaming?

Diablo 4 Launch Week

  • Diablo 4 launches this week!
  • Blizzard is celebrating by offering some sweet chocolate inspired by Lilith, the mother of Sanctuary.
  • The chocolate is sourced ethically and created locally in California by Dick Taylor Craft Chocolate.
  • Each bar includes unique artwork from the game and an exclusive in-game item to be revealed at a later date.

Hot Take:

Well, it seems like Blizzard is really going all out for the launch of Diablo 4. While we can’t wait to get our hands on the game, we’ll also be indulging in some Lilith-inspired chocolate. Hopefully, it’s not nearly as addictive as the game itself, or we’ll be in trouble. Either way, cheers to Diablo 4 and all the chocolatey goodness that comes with it!
Original article:

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