Article Breakdown:
- War Thunder developer Gaijin Entertainment is dealing with Steam review bombing issues, after its recent economic changes.
- The game’s most recent changes have had players review bombing it on Steam, due to a perceived “pay-to-win” system.
- To deal with this issue, Gaijin has removed all mention of Steam from its site, instead referring to the game’s “PC version”.
- This move is likely an attempt to distance the game from the review bombing controversy and the negative perception of its recent economic changes.
My Hot Take:
Looks like Gaijin Entertainment is trying to “tank” the negativity surrounding War Thunder’s recent changes. Removing all mention of Steam is a sneaky way to distance themselves from the review bombing controversy. It’s like pretending the elephant in the room isn’t there by hiding it behind a pillow. Will this move work in their favor, or will players see right through it and continue their revolt against the perceived “pay-to-win” system? Only time will tell.
Original article: